We make safe and comfortable wooden homes,
which ensure durability, comfort and affordability
The manufactured elements are numbered and can be easily, quickly and efficiently assembled with the help of the attached assembly plan. You save money with your own installation, and in this case prefabricated construction can be significantly cheaper than turnkey construction.
Tovrstna gradnja je priložnost, da zgradite svojo hišo in kontrolirate kakovost gradnje
Cena, ki vam jo ponudimo v predračunu je z dnem vplačila avansa fiksna in se ne bo spreminjala (garancija fiksne cene)
Delivery is made throughout Slovenia, namely 3-4 weeks after the advance payment for the material and the difference before shipping. Faster delivery is possible by prior agreement.
Pomagali vam bomo pri gradnji kjerkoli po Sloveniji, omogočili pa vam bomo tudi obisk hiše v gradnji, da boste lahko v živo pogledali izvedbo določenih detajlov in se pogovorili z drugimi samograditelji, ki so pripravljeni deliti informacije
Glede na statične obremenitve v določenih območjih, ustrezno prilagodimo konstrukcijo v skladu z Eurocode 5 standardi (npr. obremenitev vetra, snega ipd.)
Pred vplačilom se podpiše standardna pogodba o dobavi elementov skeletne hiše
Delavniški načrt in načrt za montažo zajemata vse detajle lesene konstrukcije. V teh načrtih niso zajeti načrti strojnih in elektro inštalacij. V načrtih je označena temeljna plošča (ali drugo temeljenje) na podlagi PGD.
Po želji vam pomagamo pri iskanju ostalih dobaviteljev (npr. okna, kritina, elektro in strojne inštalacije, ipd.)
Za vsa vprašanja nas kontaktirajte po e-pošti ali preko telefona 031 811 297
Slika – primer skeleta iz praks
Ponudba podjetja GT GORSKO je namenjena
– to self-builders
– contractors of prefab construction
Prednosti samogradnje:
– cheaper version
– more free planning of the construction process
– you build when you have time
The advantage of skeleton construction is that the skeleton house can be largely assembled by the self-builder himself. Most of the tasks can be done by the self-builder completely alone, but for certain tasks he will need the physical help of friends, acquaintances, and relatives. The self-builder will decide whether to undertake certain more demanding tasks (electrical installations, plumbing, sewage, heating, etc.) himself or leave them to more experienced contractors.
The construction process is usually as follows:
– the transporter places the wood with the hiab directly next to the base plate
- implementation of waterproofing under the walls, if only this is not carried out under the foundation slab
– the self-builder draws the walls on the base plate based on the wall installation plan
- the leveling of the heights can be done before the installation of the walls (preparation of suitable substrates that are attached to the base plate with the help of glue) or before the installation of the ceiling (in this case, you level the top of the wall and properly base the substrates under the wall)
– the self-builder sorts the wood by individual walls, and the wood for the ceilings and roof is placed separately
- the self-builder starts assembling the construction of the first wall on the base plate, then "splats" it from the outside with OSB or fermacell board
- the wall prepared in this way is then placed upright and fixed with slats so that it does not fall over
- immediately after placing the first wall, start assembling the second wall, which meets the first wall in the corner - this connects the walls to each other and prevents them from being knocked over by the wind (in case of high winds, we do not recommend putting up walls)
- the walls must also be fixed in the base plate - this prevents the walls from "moving" on the base plate during assembly
– when the walls of the ground floor are connected to each other and fixed in the floor, we can proceed with the construction of the ceiling
– any wooden or iron ceiling supports are placed first
– the ceiling tiles are then placed on the walls one by one and fixed as they go
– when the ceiling panels are laid, we lay the OSB boards on them and fasten them on the fly (usually with a compressor gun or a cordless screwdriver)
- in the case of a floor plan, draw the position of the walls from the floor plan on the ceiling
- the wood for the individual walls of the first floor is placed on the ceiling and the assembly is started according to the same procedure as on the ground floor
– this is followed by the installation of eaves and intermediate layers, possible ridges and gutters, and finally rafters and shears.
After the completed construction, the roof is completed, and then work continues on the walls, floor and ceiling:
– installation of windows and exterior doors
– external insulation and facade
– installation of installations
– installation of insulation, closing of walls from the inside (e.g. OSB + Knauf)
- execution of screeds with insulation on the ground floor and first floor
– etc.
Izpolnite kratek obrazec in poklicali vas bomo. Poslali vam bomo tudi brezplačen informativni izračun investicije.