We make safe and comfortable wooden homes,
which ensure durability, comfort and affordability
1. Organizer
The organizer of the prize game is the company GT Gorsko doo, Medribnik 27, 2282 Cirkulane (hereinafter the organizer).
The rules determine the method of conducting prize games organized by the organizer. The rules apply to all prize games organized on the organizer's websites, including social networks.
2. Purpose
The purpose of the prize game is to promote the company GT Gorsko doo
3. Duration
Each announced prize game lasts for the period determined by the organizer for each prize game.
4. Conditions of cooperation
Those who agree to these general conditions of participation and participate in the prize game announced each time can participate in the prize game. A participant can be any natural person who has a permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia. The participant can cancel participation in the prize draw at any time before the end of the prize draw by sending a cancellation request to the email address info@gorsko.si. Purchase is not a condition for participating in the prize draw. The condition for participation is that the participants agree to the rules of the prize game. By participating in the prize draw, the participant is deemed to agree to all terms and conditions related to the prize draw.
5. Ways to participate in the prize game
Participating in the prize draw is usually by filling in and submitting the entry form, but individual prize draws may specify different ways of participation.
6. Course of the prize draw
As part of the prize draw, a draw will take place. All participants have the same opportunities. The prize draw will take place on a predetermined day, usually at the premises of GT Gorsko doo. The organizer reserves the right to change the day of the draw. The prize draw is not public. The results of the draw are final, no appeal is possible. In the future, an individual prize game may publicly determine a different way of selecting the winner, which must be transparent.
7. Awards
The prizes and the number of winners are determined by the rules of each individual prize draw. Non-monetary prizes cannot be exchanged for cash or any other prize. Prizes are not transferable to third parties. Persons employed by the organizer of the prize draw, their immediate family members (spouse or non-marital partner or partner of a registered same-sex partnership, children or adopted children and parents or adoptive parents) may not participate in the prize draw and are not entitled to the prizes. They will be excluded from the prize draw by the organizer.
8. Notification and acceptance award winners
Prize winners will be notified by e-mail about the prizes and how to claim them.
In the event that an individual winner does not respond within three working days of receiving notification of the prize for any reason (e.g. the winner declares that he does not want to accept the prize, the address or email address is incomplete or incorrect...) and as a result he does not provide the organizers with all the required data, it will be considered that he withdraws his participation in the prize draw and waives his right to the prize. The condition for awarding the award is that the recipient of the award to the performer within 3 days of receiving notification of
sends the following personal data to the draw (e-mail):
- name and surname,
– tax number (when necessary for the calculation of tax duties),
– address of permanent residence.
Prize recipients will receive the prize by post or other appropriate means, no later than 30 days after the announcement of the results. In the event of technical or other problems, the organizer reserves the right to extend the delivery deadline, which will be notified to prize recipients via email. The costs of postal services are covered by the organizer.
9. Protection of personal data
Participating in the prize game, the organizer, as the manager of the personal data collection, allows and agrees to collect and process his personal data until the consent is revoked for the purposes of: Implementation of the prize game in accordance with these general terms and conditions, publication and notification of winners, awarding of prizes. The organizer and persons related to the organizer undertake to protect personal data collected as part of the prize draw in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/07 - official consolidated text and 177/20) and Act on consumer protection (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 98/04 – official consolidated text, 114/06 – ZUE, 126/07, 86/09, 78/11, 38/14, 19/15, 55/17 – ZKolT and 31/18) and in accordance with the privacy policy and terms of business. In no case will the operator forward or disclose the obtained data to third parties. In the event that the participant wishes to withdraw from participating in the prize draw, he or she can communicate this request at any time to the email address info@gorsko.si.
10. Damage and force majeure
Each participant participates in the prize game at his own risk. The organizers and persons participating in the prize draw are not responsible for any damage that may arise from the prizes. The organizer does not assume any responsibility for any undesirable consequences that the participant and/or any third party may suffer as a result of participation